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Guardian's Mate Page 23

  “You can read that?” Rae asked in surprise.

  “Vikings were all over the Shetlands back in the day, and they left stuff. Archeologists are always deciphering runes—I hung around the digs when I was a cub and learned what they did. My Shifter ancestors were Vikings if you didn’t guess.”

  With his white hair and giant build, Zander did look very Norse. “All right.” Rae moved her fingers to the keyboard and typed AR.

  They appeared on the screen as runes, identical to those on the sword. Rae pressed the return key.

  When nothing happened, Zander said, “Try the other way around.”

  RA. Still nothing happened. “A password isn’t going to be only two letters,” Rae pointed out. “Not for something so protected.”

  Her words were drowned out by an intense humming coming from the sword. The thing had been silent since it had helped them out of the whirlpool, but now it vibrated and sang. The humming should have rattled the blade on the desk but the sword was a magical thing, not emitting true sound, so the desk was oblivious to its vibrations.

  The runes Rae typed grew and spread across the screen until white pixels swallowed everything black. The white grew fuzzy, like a static snowfield, and then the static parted to reveal the image of a man.

  He was a Shifter, a Feline by the look of him. He had a Collar around his neck, very dark hair, and intense blue eyes. Rae stared at the screen, wondering if she’d somehow messaged someone, then when the man didn’t move, she realized this must be a recording.

  “Greetings,” the man said, his voice rich with an Irish accent. “You have entered as a new user. Please type in your 11-digit password.”

  “What?” Rae said back. “What password?”

  Rae frantically opened the drawers of the desk, looking for any scrap of paper, and finding them empty. Zander was watching the screen with narrowed eyes. “No one gave her a password,” he growled. “They barely acknowledge she’s Guardian.”

  The man only blinked and waited. “He can’t hear you,” Rae said. “I bet it’s a failsafe.”

  The man blinked again, then he said, “In that case, enter a new password. Anything you want. Probably should make it a little cryptic.”

  He waited. Rae peered at him, but he still seemed to be a recording, programmed to make certain responses.

  What the heck? She keyed in 483Zander&2.

  The man on the other side studied the screen, slid his gaze sideways to Zander, then said, “Sure, that will work. Welcome, Guardian, to the Guardian Network. What do you want to know?”

  “Sean,” Zander said clearly. “Cut the crap. What are you doing?”

  The corners of Sean’s eyes crinkled but he didn’t smile. “Waiting for Rae to finally log onto the database. I got bored.”

  Rae started, then her face heated. “You should have said you weren’t a recording.” How embarrassing. “What do you mean waiting for me to finally log on? How long have you been sitting there?”

  Sean shrugged. “Oh, off and on since you were Chosen.” His attention moved to something else in the room. “There’s my lad.” He opened his arms and a small boy trotted to him. Sean scooped him up. “Kenny, this is Rae and Zander. You met Zander before, remember?”

  Kenny raised a hand in childlike greeting but didn’t smile. He had gray eyes, wolf’s eyes, assessing and watchful.

  Rae leaned forward, her voice softening. “Hi, Kenny. You sure are cute.”

  Kenny gazed at her a moment then his small face blossomed into a smile. He reached out and touched the screen. Sean let him then pulled Kenny back into his lap. “He’s a handful, I don’t mind saying. What took you so long to get here?”

  “We’ve been a little busy,” Zander said. “And no one has let her near the Guardian Network.”

  Sean gave one shake of his head. “I’m sorry, Rae. The Guardians themselves are divided about you. I, for one, believe the Goddess truly Chose you. You know she did.”

  Rae had no doubt, since she’d been vibrating with the Goddess’s choice since that fateful day.

  “Be careful, lass,” Sean said, becoming serious. “A few of the Guardians have said they’ll try to block your way to the Network and to make note of the information you try to find. I set up a gateway through my computer so any login attempt you make will come to me first. Your searches would be watched, but what I look up is none of anyone’s business. I know how to hide my trail. So . . . What do you want to know?”

  Rae gave Zander a questioning look. She had never met Sean Morrissey, Guardian of the Austin Shiftertown, but she’d heard about him. Her father liked the Morrisseys and considered them allies. Zander had obviously met Sean before, and Zander was turning out to be a surprisingly good judge of character.

  Zander gave her a nod. “Sean’s a good guy. I’d trust him.”

  “Aw,” Sean said. “I never knew you felt that way about me.”

  “Don’t push it.” Zander glowered. He looked at Kenny, pushed his fist toward the screen, and Kenny on the other side touched his fist to it. “Keep it cool, little guy. Say hi to Olaf for me.”

  Kenny nodded and sat back in his father’s lap, a too-serious expression on his face. He was going to be an alpha, Rae suspected. Was one already.

  Rae gathered her courage. “One thing I need to find out is how to fix this.” She lifted the sword by the hilt to show Sean the broken piece. The light from the computer glittered on the jagged cut.

  Sean’s blue eyes widened. “Shite. What the hell happened?”

  “It wasn’t her fault,” Zander said quickly. “She was defending me in a fight. I didn’t think the things could break. Must have been some cheap, crappy silver.”

  “Don’t be daft,” Sean growled. “All the swords were forged by Niall O’Connell, the master swordsmith, meant t’ be passed through the generations. He used Fae silver—very rare. The swords are twined with spells. They don’t break.”

  “Well, this one did,” Zander said. “Tell us how to put it back together.”

  “I don’t have any bloody idea. The issue has never come up.”

  “This sword was broken before,” Zander pointed out. “When it was stolen, the medallion came off, according to Broderick.” He tapped the silver piece on the end of the hilt. “But now it’s back on like it never happened.”

  Sean shook his head. “Swords have minds of their own. Seems like it anyway. If that one broke, it was for a reason. Maybe it’s symbolic—it won’t go together again until the Guardians accept Rae. Or maybe she has to figure out how to fix it herself. I’ve lived with a Sword of the Guardian most of my life and I still don’t understand it.”

  Rae lowered the sword to the table in disappointment. She’d half hoped she’d get into the Guardian’s database and find a file entitled How to Fix your Broken Sword, or something equally as useful.

  Zander looked just as discouraged. “So, know any swordsmiths?” he asked Sean.

  Sean shrugged. “Not really. They’re out there, but it will take special skill, not to mention Fae magic, to work on a Guardian’s sword.”

  A growl filled Zander’s throat. “No Fae is getting near Rae.”

  “I wasn’t suggesting they do,” Sean said. “There are some Shifters who have a way with metal though.”

  “Yeah, Broderick and his family,” Zander said. “I’ve already asked him to come up here. I don’t know if he can help though.”

  “Meanwhile . . .” Sean said. “You could try deciphering the writing on the sword.”

  Rae leaned forward in sudden interest. “How? I don’t know anything about Fae runes. Is there a book? A translation program?”

  Sean’s laughter came back. “Now, why would the Guardians of old have made it easy for us? There’s a bit about the Fae language in the database, but each sword is unique, made for its original Guardian. Every Guardian has to figure out the runes for himself.”

  Zander sat back with a grunt. “Thanks, Sean, you’ve been a lot of help.”

; Sean looked wise. “Rae accessed the database because you found the runes that let her in. Obviously, you can read them.”

  Zander scowled. “I know the Norse letters. Not Fae—it’s a completely different language.”

  “It’s a beginning,” Sean said. “Now, I have to sign off. My mate wants to go for her run. You know how wolves are.” His eyes twinkled as he grinned at Rae. “Sean Morrissey, over and out.” He reached forward and touched a key on his laptop. His picture and Kenny’s winked out, Rae’s screen going black again.

  Rae sat back glumly. “Well, that wasn’t helpful.”

  “No, maybe it was.”

  To Rae’s surprise, Zander had lost his annoyed look and was thoughtfully studying the blank screen. “How?” Rae asked in irritation.

  “I would guess Sean couldn’t say all he wanted to, no matter how good a firewall he has. He had to be vague. But he’s right—the runes on the sword are the key. I can transliterate the runes, but I don’t know enough Fae to trust myself to translate them. But that doesn’t matter. I know a—”

  “Don’t say you know a guy!” Rae cut him off. “You can’t know everyone in the world.”

  “Sure I can.” Zander’s amused look returned. “I know a guy who can read Fae—because he is Fae—not his fault. I just need to make a phone call.”

  * * *

  Zander led Rae out of the cabin, the sword on her back again, after she’d closed down the laptop. Zander watched Rae lock the door, start to return the key to its hiding place, her body curving as she reached up, then decide to drop the key into her pocket. Good for her.

  She joined him, walking close by his side as they slipped into the woods.

  Zander had wanted to bring the laptop with them but Rae argued that if those watching the house noticed it gone, they’d immediately suspect her and Eoin and come after it. In Zander’s opinion, Eoin should guard the computer himself and tell the other Shifters to suck on it, but Eoin had been right when he’d said that being Shiftertown leader was complicated. A job Zander thanked the Goddess he was never likely to have.

  Zander took Rae’s hand as they moved silently through the woods, her fingers warm in his. The Feline who was supposed to be standing guard was enjoying himself with his mate under the trees beyond the house. Anyone walking by would sense that—and hear them too. They weren’t trying to be quiet. The sounds of their lovemaking faded as Zander and Rae moved swiftly up the path.

  When they reached the darkest part of the woods, about half a mile from the main Shiftertown, Zander pulled Rae to a halt, his hand on her shoulder. “Hold up.”

  Rae instantly came alert. “What?” She scanned the shadows under the trees. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Zander turned Rae to him and cupped her face. “I just need to kiss you.” He leaned to her and let himself stop holding back.


  Kissing Rae made everything bad go away. Zander tasted the warmth of her mouth while he wrapped his hands around her hips to draw her closer. Her kiss in return was welcoming, growing more intense as it went on. They were alone, no one knew where they were, and Zander let the frenzy come.

  He slid the sword from Rae’s back, dropping it gently onto the pine needles that surrounded them. Then he lifted her, holding her in strong arms.

  Rae fit against him as though she’d been made for him. Her breasts were soft against his chest, her eyes half closed as she wrapped her legs around him, fingertips finding purchase in his back.

  The night was warm, Rae against him hotter still. Mating frenzy had hold of her but Zander loved that she wanted him. This town was full of sex-crazed Shifters—every Shiftertown was—but Rae had wrapped herself around Zander, her dark braid like a rope of silk in his hands.

  He needed to touch her, to be inside her. Here in the woods? Too crude.

  He wanted to do it somewhere quiet, beautiful, soft, so Rae would gaze up at him in contentment. Zander knew a guy who could fix that up.

  In the meantime, Rae roved her hands down his back and under his waistband, sliding her fingers to the bare flesh of his backside. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, making no coy pretense of shyness.

  Zander tugged up her shirt and tank top, finding the warm silk of her skin. She’d taken off her bra to sleep and hadn’t resumed it, and he cupped her breast, the weight of it sweet. Zander slid his thumb over the nipple, smiling into her kiss when the nipple grew firm for him.

  Rae moved her fingers to the front of his jeans. Before Zander could stop her, she’d unbuttoned and unzipped, and then her cool hand closed around his cock.

  Zander dragged his mouth from hers and barely stifled a snarl. “Damn, Little Wolf.”

  Rae only gripped his cock harder and ran her fist all the way to his balls.

  “Ah, son of a . . .” Zander’s head dropped back as hot sensations flooded him, but he held Rae firmly, not letting her fall.

  It was a tight fit, her hand between them, until Zander’s jeans chose to go slack and fall to his knees. Rae pushed his underwear out of the way, and then his ass was exposed to the night air, the most beautiful woman in the world with her hands on him.

  Zander could tell she didn’t have much experience stroking a man and he felt raw joy about that. Rae was willing to learn though. She cupped him then slid her hand to his tip, fingers exploring.

  Every touch, every stroke sent erotic fires through Zander’s blood, which only made his cock stiffer and Rae’s touch even more electric. Zander clenched his jaw, trying to keep himself still. It was a hell of a choice whether to lay her down, yank open her clothes, and thrust inside her, or just let her play.

  Either would kill him. Rae’s eyes glistened in the faint light under the trees, and her lips parted, red and moist. Zander licked across her mouth, tasting heat.

  Rae’s fingers worked magic. Zander’s hips moved, wanting her strokes, wanting her.

  “You’re beautiful, Little Wolf. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful as you, never felt . . . You make me whole again.”

  The words came out an incoherent mumble but Zander meant every one of them.

  Rae said nothing at all. The little noise in her throat when he kissed her once more made him want to come.

  If he did that, his scent would be all over her—everyone in Shiftertown, including her father and protective brothers, would know what they’d been doing out here in the woods. Zander didn’t mind so much but Rae might, and it could be dangerous for her. Not from her father and brothers, but the other Shifters. Zander wanted to keep her safe, would to his dying day.

  Rae sped her caresses and Zander deepened the kiss. Want her. Need to fill her, hold her, make her my own.

  Zander nipped her lips and dropped open-mouthed kisses along her throat, the silver of her Collar warm against his lips. She made him wild, crazier than ever.

  Zander cupped her face in one big hand, keeping himself from kissing her again. “Rae, damn you woman, stop.”

  “Why?” She gave him a hot smile. “You had your hands all over me—why can’t I touch you? Feel you.” She stroked him as she said it and Zander groaned.

  “You’re killing me, Little Wolf.”

  “Good.” It was a whisper, full of promise.

  Zander let out another groan, then he snarled and jerked himself away from her. Hardest thing he’d ever had to make himself do.

  He nearly fell as his jeans and underwear tripped him but he kicked them all the way off. Rae’s gaze raked down Zander’s body as he yanked off his T-shirt and dropped it to the pile of his clothes.

  Rae hugged her arms to her chest, her shirt covering her again, eyes dark in the shadows. Her mating frenzy called out to him, and Zander wanted to respond to it.

  Not until she was safe. He wasn’t going to let any Shifters stumble over them while they went at it in the pine needles. Maybe one of the hostile Shifters would “accidentally” injure Rae while trying to keep her away from the un-Collared mate-frenzied bear. If Rae
were to die, that would be the end of the female Guardian problem.

  Rae let out a soft cry as Zander forced his body into that of his bear. The only way he could stop himself from taking Rae down to the damp ground or bending her over the nearest fallen log was to go bear and get himself away from her.

  The thought of her bending forward, reaching down to open herself to him, made Zander tear away from her, baring his teeth when she took a step toward him.

  “Fine,” Rae snapped. She tugged her shirt over her head and tossed it aside, then her tank top. She slid out of her jeans then bent to take off her underwear, her breasts swaying.

  “If you can do it, so can I.” She shook her hair back, growled, and changed with amazing quickness into a wolf.

  Her coat was the same glossy black as her hair, her eyes light gray, her ears pricked and alert. Rae growled at him again, a cute snarl, and then she dashed away, straight into the woods.

  Zander tamped down a roar of frustration. He scooped the sheathed Sword of the Guardian up in his teeth and ran after her.

  * * *

  Rae heard him coming. She’d hoped he would chase her, though she’d assumed he would simply pick up the sword and walk home, shaking his head at her antics.

  But no, Zander was behind her, his snarls muffled as though he had something in his mouth.

  Rae wanted to laugh. What came out was a wolf howl. Zander made her mating frenzy come alive, until she wanted nothing but to touch him, stroke him, push him onto his back and straddle him. Rae was never this shameless, but Zander did something to her.

  Not surprising, a small part of her mind told her. She and Zander had been thrown together, survived adventures, and found refuge in each other. Of course she’d started to feel the mating desires. It was biological.

  Rae’s human mind told her this, but the wolf in her snarled that her human form was making her stupid. The wolf understood the madness Rae felt and what it really meant. Mate.

  Zander was coming fast. Rae knew these woods, had known them forever. She ducked around fallen trees and around boulders, then ran down a long hill and across the stream that was chilly even in summer.